Friday, October 22, 2010


Sorry for the delay gang but we were just waiting on some pictures of the amazing surf that we had last friday. we got all of our team riders catching gold off the coast of massachusetts, and a few pics of the super fun leftovers from sunday. But man was it firing or what on friday. there were endless barrels for about a 4 hour span and if you didn't get on it then you missed one of the best days the year. bummer! so folks here you go, the golden shots from the amazing weekend that we had featuring the riding of zap, the don, mitch gravy, shane taylor, myself and the incomparable john marshall our newest member of the team. john, killer shots and killer surfing my brother mad props to you!! and shane thanks for the amazing pictures, that's a true surfer for you people. taking time out of the water to get the shots of his fellow riders and friends. Thanks a ton bro much appreciated!

No waves today by the way but i was assuming that you already figured that out. I can't say for sure that there are going to be logging set out there this weekend but who knows, keep your fingers crossed and pray to the surf gods. Oh and if any of you are looking for something to do tomorrow night i have a suggestion. Forum snowboards is having the premiere of "F' it" the new movie for the winter. It is at the music hall, i would suggest being there i know i will be!! Thats all folks enjoy this beautiful fall day and as always 



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