Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Not yo' mama's Fiesta And Come Skate With US!!!!!

Remember when...... 

This was Yo' mama's Fiesta!!!!

Well not any more my friends, and you have Ken Block and Monster to thank for that. On this rainy day when all of our new O'Neill women's clothing(yes new I'll get to that I promise) is out and styled around the shop, what do I have to do? find ways to entertain you especially with no waves, and that common ground seems to be youtube. So on this rainy day i start you off with a video that blew me out of the water and I'm sure it will blow you out too. Don't be afraid to put it into 720 just let it load and it won't skip on you.

So NEW WOMEN'S from O'Neill is here!! Here is a little sampling that I have put together for your viewing pleasure. Winter is right around the corner ladies so get on your horse, come see me, grab a jacket and a hat and with that get a FREE High Five!

That's just a little bit of what's new ladies, and please don't forget if you are going on vacation this winter, we still have a massive selection of bikini's and the are still 1/2 off. Come say hi and get yourself ready for the sun and snow!!

On other news Team Rider John Marshall has been a busy little bee out in his backyard. We are inviting all of you, our faithful followers and supporters to come skate with us. The key to this is, you have to personally come into the shop to find out where, and to make sure we know who the hell you are!! But no seriously John has an amazing wife a beautiful baby girl and another one on the way so we have to be respectful of the family. I know that all of you out there respect that fact and we really are stoked to shred with you. So like I said, swing on by and let us know if you are interested and I'll let you know where it is.....

So surf is looking like junky knee high sets with a wind out of the SSE at 10pmh. I suggest going for a skate today at the Air Field if you are looking for something to keep you occupied. Other than that I am here till 5 tonight and back tomorrow at 11. Come on down say hi Shoot the you know what and have a ball. As always enjoy your day, be good to your neighbor and I'll see you in the water or on the ramp!!



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