Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4/20 To Remember!

I haven't been able to update the blog because Zappy and have been very busy in the Dominican Republic, going International! So let me introduce to you Zapstix Surf Camp DR. The camp will be up and running by the end of the week. This is a great new adventure for us and were Stoked! Start planning your trip to the DR. Now taking reservation. Happy 420!


  1. Zapstix International I love it. It will be a quick trip from Gainesville FL to DR. I am planning my vacations now.


  2. Hollywood!!!!!!!!!
    sup cuz?? We've gut jam when u return bouy.
    This camp is a mansion..Beautiful!
    All the luck on the planet,for success..
    pull a fred flintstone on your next wave 4 me.
    May the wave's rise to meet you,and the wind be at your back,
    BUGZ out.........................

  3. Good luck with the camp, just don't make too much noice when you guys party. Or I have to start my Softail early in the morning when you're still recovering. Just kidding....


    Your downhill neighbor from Holland
