Friday, March 5, 2010

Hola, DR from Zappy, Patrick!

Well it looks like were back on line, what the @#@$! Still stoked in the DR surfing and playing gigs.

Zappy did well in the contest winning his first heat and making it into the finals. Zap got the wave of the day double over head and barrelling, stoking the locals and letting them all now he's the real deal!

I've been killing it playing weekly gigs and booking more. Check back for upcoming events and shows.

Please don't forget March 7th Seabrook beach clean up with Zapstix and Surfrider Foundation.

We liked to thank bern for helping us sponsor the Encuentro Surf Challenge! Zapstix and bern two collaborative names sponsoring a lifestyle!

We'd also like to thank the DR boy's Mieses, Pedro Fernandez, el Chino, Rhonald, and Aloha Surf Cafe owners: el Negro and his girlfriend Jess. Anyone else we may have missed, thank you!

See you in the water!


Zappy, Patrick and Lil Don


  1. Where's the Pics of the Surf Guy??????


  2. Patrick, I have some from the Left on March 8th. Only have one of Zappy's waves and none for you, lo siento. Haven't done the ones from March 9th yet. Soon, maybe tomorrow night.

