Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Morocco Tuesday Evening 10/20

We've had a few flat days here in Moroc and took some time to explore other parts of the region. We headed into Paradise Valley for a day of hiking, mint tea and time with the local Berber population. The Berbers pride themselves on family and provide hospitality that is second to none, truly kind and hospitable peoples. Paradise Valley is a break from the dry dusty desert air and provides some shade, banana trees, waterfalls and lagoons to enjoy. The mountains surround the area and it is possible to become completely lost in the beauty.

We are expecting some swell on Thursday in the 12 to 13 foot range at 15 to 16 seconds, I'll be sure to take some pics and vid for everyones viewing pleasure. This coastline is filled with waves for any type of riding. There are fat slow points that are perfect for longboards or fun boards, there are beach breaks that provide space to yourself and there are points and reef breaks that are straight out of a surf magazine.

If you are willing to explore it is possible to find a perfect barreling reef break to yourself....yes yourself. This is the allure of Morocco that brought us to North Africa, and the allure has proven itself a reality. Stepping off the beaten road, hiking down a cliff to see what hides below is part of the journey, the adventure. It almost seems unfair when you find a slab to yourselves with no one but the local kids and fisherman to witness. People whom have no idea what surfing is and tell you that they have only seen a handful of surfers or surfboards in their lifetime. Amazing considering we are only a 45 minute bus ride, hour or so hike and heaven away from a fairly bustling surf city.

Perhaps one of the most interesting thing is the complete lack of Americans. We've been told by several people that years have past between the last time they met an American. We have still yet to meet any others and quite frankly it is wonderful to be in such a removed area. As you can tell from the pics this place sucks, stay away and don't ever be tempted. There is some reasoning behind my lack of surf pics. Firstly I'm a selfish type and prioritize getting some over taking pics, secondly well...I guess there is no secondly, with the up coming swell we will make sure to post some.

internet connection is weak here in Morocco, so check out youtube.com and search Zapstix to find some Moroc videos as it is easier to post them on youtube than anywhere else.

Much love to everyone back home, enjoy the swell to come and get some good ones.

From Morcoc,

1 comment:

  1. hope you guys are having fun. i still owe you 30 so when you come back completely broke ill bye you at least lunch. kinda wish i was with you guys surfing some better waves.
